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Not trying to be rude. Just some thohugts!So, Jimmy Carter is a Saint! Little research is needed to read Z-Magazine, & Counter Punch like articles to come up with ugly deeds he is responsible for (esp. Foreign Policy).Name ONE U.S. politician that has stood up to power and done the right thing, while they had the chance. Any could! They are the best insulated people because they are so well known and would create a real revolution if the elites tried to touche28099em. I will name one that hasne28099t. This person has failed miserably, because all that he accomplished in the past, when he was on the bottom, was for naught. JOHN LEWIS. There is more racism, a greatly expanded Military Industrial Complex, and arguably far more injustice (especially for blacks) than in slavery times (before the Civil War) because he will not speak out.Let me name one that has. Chavez of Venezuela! MLK stood up but he is dead. If alive, we would stand a chance. OWS (the unspeakalbe term) would stand a chance. Everyone would! But guess what. He wasne28099t a bloody politician. Mr. Carter was, and he has done a lot (good deeds will not get you into heaven), AFTER, he occupied the office, but even today, he does not speak out, except weakly, and on very few topics! So, I guess he is a Saint for saying anything at all.Ivory Tower folk can be just as wrong as us less educated in research but we can also read and think for ourselves.Right and Wrong is easy to ascertain. Twisted, tricky ethical dilemas do not count. Those are for puzzle solvers with time of their hands.Seems to me, an ex-pat can be considered a coward. He is running to save HIMSELF. By the way, these are only people who have resources. It is sort of like inheritance (the worlde28099s largest affirmative action program). Harriet Tubman was on the way to join John Brown and did not make it in time. She would have been hung too but she tried with all her might. A woman. I do not have this kind of courage but I presume you can muster a lot if you are dealt a shitty hand and know what evil really is.